Get Organized At Work

Posted: August 04, 2014

Forgetful-marketerStaying organized at work can be challenging for anyone, but the challenge escalates for forgetful people. With all the files, emails, and meetings that need managed, the chance of dropping the ball on something runs high. Get organized and lower the risk of forgetting something important.

Forgetful-marketerStaying organized at work can be challenging for anyone, but the challenge escalates for forgetful people. With all the files, emails, and meetings that need managed, the chance of dropping the ball on something runs high. Get organized and lower the risk of forgetting something important.

Ginny Soskey, Section Editor for HubSpot's Marketing Blog, shares tools to help you to stay organized at work.

The Forgetful Person's Guide to Staying Organized at Work

At some point in our lives, we have to just accept who we are. For me, I've had to come to terms that I actually love binge-watching terrible reality TV, I will always want applesauce on my mac n' cheese (trust me, it's delicious), and most importantly, I'm forgetful. 

I forget names pretty much immediately after I meet people. I forget where I parked my car. I forget what groceries I was supposed to pick up when I get to the store. I forget what I supposed to do after that really important meeting. 

In pretty much any setting, being forgetful sucks -- but at work, it can have disastrous consequences. Being forgetful makes you look like you're careless or just not good at your job, which spells bad news for your growth opportunities. 

Luckily, I've learned to compensate for my forgetful nature. Below are the five tools I use every single day to stay on top of projects, get back to people in a timely manner, and maintain my sanity. Hopefully, if you're a forgetful person, they can help you, too.

Read the entire article The Forgetful Person's Guide to Staying Organized at Work on Hubspot.