Get Email Under Control

Posted: December 01, 2015
inbox-organization-tools.jpgWith email being one of the top ways we communicate, the sheer volume of mail in an inbox can be overwhelming. Having to deal with the deluge can impact productivity, and make it seem like email is all you ever get done. Regain control of your inbox by getting organized. Lindsay Kolowich, writer for Hubspot, shares tools to help organize your email inbox.

Overwhelmed by Email? Here Are 11 Great Tools for Organizing Your Inbox

Most people have a love-hate relationship with their email inbox. On the one hand, email can be exciting -- whether you're making progress with a client, replacing a meeting with a (much more efficient) email thread, or receiving an invitation to a fun social gathering. On the other hand, though, email can be overwhelming -- especially if you lose control. And boy is it easy to lose control. After all, email is one of the top ways we communicate with a lot of the people in our lives, from our best friends to people we've never spoken with before. Many of us get bombarded by new emails on a regular basis, and it's stressful to know that we might be missing out on the truly important stuff amid the flood of less pertinent stuff. Luckily, there are a lot of tools out there that can help us get more organized. In this post, we'll go through 11 of our favorite tools for organizing your inbox. Try 'em out, and help pave your own way to a more productive and less stressful email experience. 1) Unroll.me

Price: Free

The first step to relieving your inbox from all that email is to unsubscribe from all the newsletters you've subscribed to over the years. But unsubscribing manually from tens, maybe hundreds of newsletters would take forever. Read the entire article Overwhelmed by Email? Here Are 11 Great Tools for Organizing Your Inbox on Hubspot.