Generate More Blog Traffic

Posted: April 15, 2014

heart-mouseBlog traffic can be difficult to obtain. If the title to a post is boring, chances are the post will be over looked. Doing something as simple as making a catchy blog title can dramatically increase traffic to your blog.

heart-mouseBlog traffic can be difficult to obtain. If the title to a post is boring, chances are the post will be over looked. Doing something as simple as making a catchy blog title can dramatically increase traffic to your blog.

Sarah Goliger,  head of paid marketing at HubSpot, shares what you can do to generate more blog clicks.

How to Attract More Clicks to Your Blog Posts: 11 Revealing Title Tests

Every marketer in their right mind knows that in order to drive more traffic to your blog, you need to come up with blog post titles that are actually enticing. But that's easier said than done. If only we had some data to show us how to scientifically create blog post titles that will attract more clicks ...

Well luckily, I'm about to share with you that exact data. I recently wrote a post on how to use content discovery platforms to amplify your reach, in which I share tips on using these platforms to share your blog content on other relevant sites across the web. Having experimented with this over the past several months, I've been able to collect data on the clickthrough rates of different title variations for the same blog posts. (What a great way to do A/B testing on your blog post titles!)

So, let's dive into the insights from this data, and see how you can use it to construct your most clickable blog post titles yet.

Read the entire article How to Attract More Clicks to Your Blog Posts: 11 Revealing Title Tests on Hubspot.