Gain Website Traffic By Using Twitter
Posted: October 13, 2014
Twitter is one of the most used social networking sites. That means plenty of opportunities to gain blog traffic through Twitter followers. Increase blog traffic by using these five simple and effective techniques.
Tim Soulo, guest author for Daily Blog Tips and owner of BloggerJet, shares ways to get traffic from Twitter.
5 Dead Simple Tactics For Those Struggling To Get Traffic From Twitter
For some people Twitter is simply a way to put their thoughts out about what’s going on in their world. But for us bloggers Twitter is a valuable tool to get more people to read our content.
I won’t be able to count all those hours spent learning the trendiest Twitter Marketing tactics and then trying them out on my blog. But I can easily tell you how many of them brought me some results – no more than 20%.
So if you’ve been struggling lately to get some nice traffic from Twitter don’t lose your motivation just yet. Most of the tips that Social Media experts preach are nothing but a waste of time, but there are a few golden nuggets that are totally worth your time and effort.
1. Twitter Lets You Tweet Images – So Tweet Them!
Using Twitter for text is so passé! Most people are going to be drawn by a stunning picture rather than a great headline. But if you have both, you’ll be golden.
Find the right visual to go along with your post and you’re going to have people going to your website. This is particularly true if you are advertising a new product line, but it goes with any kind of update.
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5 Dead Simple Tactics For Those Struggling To Get Traffic From Twitter on
Daily Blog Tips.