Free Classes to Learn Online Marketing

Posted: May 09, 2017
conn v 6 r2To be the best in anything, continuous learning is a must. Marketing is certainly no exception to that rule. Rather than trying to read every blog or article that's written on the subject, it's now possible to go to class online and learn how to market effectively. Improving your marketing skills online is easy, and thanks to these resources, can also be free.
Sophia Bernazzani, writer for Hubspot, shares classes for online marketing.

32 Free Online Marketing Classes to Master Your Marketing Skills

I don't know about you, but I miss going to school. I miss taking notes, studying, and most of all, learning a ton of new skills. That's not to say I don't learn a lot on the job here at HubSpot -- because I absolutely do. But sometimes, there's nothing quite like listening to a lecture, taking notes, and doing homework. Given the frequency at which new technologies and software are developed, it can be overwhelming to try to keep up your knowledge by only reading blog posts and ebooks. That's where self-paced online learning comes in. I've taken a few awesome courses and certifications through HubSpot Academy, including an inbound marketing certification and a content marketing certification. These classes helped me be better at my job, so I started making a list of other classes I could take to learn more skills. When I finished the list, I realized that you, dear readers, might have similar skill gaps, so I wanted to share it in a blog post. Read the entire article 32 Free Online Marketing Classes to Master Your Marketing Skills on Hubspot. Save