Five Tips to Deliver Better Presentations

Posted: February 24, 2015
presentation-5Many people have trouble giving a good presentation. The thought of speaking in front of even a small group of people can be nervewracking. These five tips provide useful information from body language to providing visual supports, all aimed at helping presenters be more at ease. Jeannie Krill, writer for Hubspot, shares some tips on how to deliver a better presentation.

5 Tips for Delivering Better Presentations

Giving presentations can be slightly nerve wracking or incredibly fun, depending on who you are.  If you’re part of the group that dreads a presentation or giving a speech, you’re not alone. According to the Washington Post, America’s biggest phobia is the fear of public speaking – 25.3% of people in the US are afraid of speaking in front of large groups of people. This may not sound like too big of a group, but to put it in perspective, the fear of public speaking beat out fear of heights, bugs, snakes, drowning, and blood/needles. Whether you jump or puke at the chance to give a 30-minute presentation in front of thousands of people, these tips for giving better presentations can serve you well. 1) Body Language Body language says a lot about someone – from posture and gestures to facial expressions and eye contact – it can shape the way he or she is viewed. When we feel powerful, we “open up” by raising our arms in victory, standing tall, or sitting up straight. However, when we feel helpless, we tend to shrink down or close up. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy says that “our bodies change our minds, our minds change our behavior and our behavior changes our outcomes.” Read the entire article 5 Tips for Delivering Better Presentations on Hubspot.