Five Proofreading Tips with Massive Payoffs

Posted: August 29, 2017
Gabrielle van Welie, writer for The Write Life, shares how to speed up the proofreading process.

5 Quick Proofreading Tips That Have Massive Payoffs

Have you ever been afraid of editors thinking you haven’t proofread your piece, even when you definitely have? Do you re-read your posts ad nauseam, only to still feel a sense of dread when sending  your draft? Yeah, proofreading isn’t fun. Writing comes with a creative payoff. Editing gives you an authority edge. But proofreading? It’s tedious, boring and never feels like you’re doing it right. The problem with proofreading is that we seldom look past grammar and spelling. Sure, we read through guidelines and try to follow certain styles, but that’s about it. In fact, on a surface level, those do sound like the only things you could do. Otherwise you’d just be aimlessly rewriting, no? Well, what if I told you there’s another level — or five — to proofreading? This might sound like we’re entering editing territory, but I promise you we aren’t. This deeper proofreading is still an incredibly contained system, meaning you won’t feel tempted to rewrite everything (as often happens when you edit your own work). These five steps are genuinely quick and painless, but the payoff will be massive. Read the entire article 5 Quick Proofreading Tips That Have Massive Payoffs on The Write Life. Save