Linda Formichelli, writer for The Write Life, shares tips for who to pitch to when you are a freelance writer.
A Veteran Writer Reveals the Best Way to Find Freelance Gigs
You probably know that to launch (or grow) a writing career, you need to pitch…and pitch…and pitch.
But pitch whom?
If you’re a magazine writer, there are too many publications out there to wrap your head around — or not enough, depending on your field. (Sheep-farming mags, anyone?)
And, as if finding good pubs to pitch weren’t hard enough, trying to find out whether they actually pay can make your head implode with frustration.
Or say you’re a content writer, blogger, or copywriter. How can you find businesses that could use your services—while weeding out the tire-kickers and cheap-os from the hundreds of possibilities?
Where to find writing clients
If you’re scouring your local newsstand to sleuth out magazines to pitch, or driving around your city seeking good business clients, head straight home, park your car and try these ideas instead.
1. Google
I can hear you now: “Google. Really? How very original.”
But Google is not as obvious a choice as you would think. I can’t even count the number of times a coaching client would say something like, “I want to write for trade magazines for the flooring industry and can’t find any” — and before she’d even finished with her complaint, I would have Googled up a list of a dozen flooring trades.
Read the entire article A Veteran Writer Reveals the Best Way to Find Freelance Gigs on
The Write Life.