Fan-Generated Guerrilla Ads for No-Costs Advertising

Posted: May 30, 2010

  Every outdoor company is now seeking ways to get more advertising exposure for less costs. One way to do this is to hold a contest and ask "fans" and members of collector's clubs to produce Guerrilla Ads to submit to the company for prizes and broadcast exposure. 

  Every outdoor company is now seeking ways to get more advertising exposure for less costs. One way to do this is to hold a contest and ask "fans" and members of collector's clubs to produce Guerrilla Ads to submit to the company for prizes and broadcast exposure. 

  There has never been a period where the ability to produce commercial "ad-like products" has been easier. There are now many outlets for the "funniest home video," "blooper clips" and the like. These are fun for participants to make and the better of them are fun to view. Because this would be a contest sponsored by an individual company, the ads that actually made it on TV would be under the control of the sponsoring organization who would issue contest rulls regarding content and length.  

  Everyone who has watched TV has seen ads and thought, "I could do better than that." These Guerrilla Ads would give these viewers full range to unleash their creative impulses, promote the products and companies that they like and tap into individuals who may have significant talents. These amateur "Guerrilla Ads" could be a new approach to the "Reality TV" market. 

  Some of these ads would slip out of the sponsoring company's control and get posted on YouTube and other places. While this danger of "unauthorized content getting out" is real and there could be some confusion about what is a company's real ad and which was an unauthorized Guerrilla Ad; the WEB "buzz" about a terrible ad would draw attention to the company and its products and might even yield coverage as an item of Pop Culture on news broadcasts. Guerrilla ads could simultaneously have placement in the traditional TV market as well as on existing and emerging E-outlets like YouTube and thousands of other WEB locations that feature amateur videos.  

   The basic equipment to produce such an ad could be as simple as a Flip camera and the "Movie Maker" program that is on many PCs. On Tuesday, June 1, I will post a "Guerrilla Ad" on my blog, http://www.hoveysmith.wordpress.com, and also on YouTube. Should the size of the file prevent me from putting it in the blog, I will post a link to the YouTube version.   

  I think that you will appreciate that this was fun to do, fun to watch and gives a real boost to the product being pitched.

  I will not make it to POMA this year. If you want to discuss this concept with me, you can contact me by E-mail at www.hoveysmith.net.

Wm. Hovey Smith