Facebook's New Reactions Will Change Social Media Marketing

Posted: October 26, 2015
[caption id="attachment_12485" align="alignright" width="300"]3 Ways in Which Facebook’s Reactions Will Change Your Social Media Marketing Approach | Social Media Today Image from socialmediatoday.com[/caption] Facebook is known for their "Like" button to express users' positive opinion of a post. However, now Facebook is testing out Reactions, which can play a big role in how marketers use Facebook. Facebook Reactions will likely cause a change in your marketing strategy, and here are a few reasons why. Brad Friedman, writer for Social Media Today, shares how Facebook Reactions will change up social media marketing strategies.

3 Ways in Which Facebook’s Reactions Will Change Your Social Media Marketing Approach

In honor of Halloween, they’re heeere! Well, not quite yet, but as you've probably heard, Facebook is officially testing buttons that go beyond the traditional “Like” option. After years of users calling for more distinct ways to express themselves, the network is finally relenting with its new Reactions tool, currently being testing in both Ireland and Spain. It’s only a matter of time before the feature rolls out to audiences worldwide, so let’s get a jump start on how Facebook’s Reactions will change your social media marketing strategy. 1. Improved Analytics Perhaps the most important impact of Facebook Reactions is what it will do to your analytics. Let’s hear from the network itself on this topic: "We see this as an opportunity for businesses and publishers to better understand how people are responding to their content on Facebook. During this test, Page owners will be able to see Reactions to all of their posts on Page insights. Reactions will have the same impact on ad delivery as Likes do." In other words, once Reactions make their way to Facebook’s Insights platform, they'll give brands a better idea of how their posts are performing. Previously, “engagement” insights were limited to Likes, comments, shares, and web clicks. Adding a wider range of emotions to that spectrum should allow brands to gauge their audience’s true reaction to a post and adjust their strategy accordingly. Read the entire article 3 Ways in Which Facebook’s Reactions Will Change Your Social Media Marketing Approach on Social Media Today.