[caption id="attachment_11432" align="alignright" width="950"]Graphic courtesy of Mashable.com[/caption]Reporting on the Facebook's new hashtag element for Mashable.com, Todd Wasserman said, "The consensus (about FB hashtags)? It's a tool with the potential to be bigger than Twitter's hashtags, but there needs to be a lot of consumer education before it really catches on."
[caption id="attachment_11432" align="alignright" width="950"]Graphic courtesy of Mashable.com[/caption]Reporting on the Facebook's new hashtag element for Mashable.com, Todd Wasserman said, "The consensus (about FB hashtags)? It's a tool with the potential to be bigger than Twitter's hashtags, but there needs to be a lot of consumer education before it really catches on."
According to Craig Smith's monthly social media user report on Digital Marketing Ramblings, Facebook users reached 1.1. billion in June of 2013, while Twitter users numbered 500 million of whom 200 million were active users. Seems a no-brainer observation that Facebook's hashtag impact could be overwhelming (ly wonderful for marketers).
Wasserman talked privacy, engagement, and pure social power in his recent report, "Facebook Hashtags Have Marketing Potential, Privacy Issues".