[caption id="attachment_11580" align="alignright" width="411"]Photo Courtesy of SocialMediaExaminer.com[/caption]Facebook relieved some or the frustration that goes with posting to the site. When you make a mistake in a post, you won't have to delete and repost. You'll be able to edit posts. Save time, energy and sanity.
[caption id="attachment_11580" align="alignright" width="411"]Photo Courtesy of SocialMediaExaminer.com[/caption]Facebook relieved some or the frustration that goes with posting to the site. When you make a mistake in a post, you won't have to delete and repost. You'll be able to edit posts. Save time, energy and sanity.
The post edit function was unveiled for the Web and Android in an update on Sept. 26, 2013. It's scheduled to come to iOS soon.
TechCrunch.com explained how the editing function works:
Soon you’ll be able to edit all posts and comments from the web, Android, or iOS. To edit posts, you’ll be able to click the down arrow in the top right of one of your posts and select ‘Edit Post’ to change the text, then click “Done Editing”.
For comments, hovering over or tapping a post will reveal a pencil icon on the right you can click to start editing.