Facebook Could be Charging Pages for Reach

Posted: December 13, 2013

[caption id="attachment_11683" align="alignright"]dinero facebookImage from dcclothesline.com[/caption]There's a reason behind the drop in how far your Facebook posts have reached. Facebook has recently been more open about the fact that page owners are going to have to pay in order to get their message across. These changes are being made, and they might hinder your posts being seen.

[caption id="attachment_11683" align="alignright"]dinero facebookImage from dcclothesline.com[/caption]There's a reason behind the drop in how far your Facebook posts have reached. Facebook has recently been more open about the fact that page owners are going to have to pay in order to get their message across. These changes are being made, and they might hinder your posts being seen.

Dean Garrison, author at DC Clothesline, informs us about some changes Facebook is implementing.

Facebook Sends a Message to Page Owners… It’s All About Money

The buzz among Facebook page owners is that there was another change in the algorithms within the last week, with another decrease in “organic reach” being the result. From personal experience I can tell you that the “organic reach” of an average post on my Facebook page instantly went from 8-10% all the way down to 1-2% a few days ago. In a few cases we have even dipped below 1%. That change is not insignificant with over 49,000 fans. To have 49,000 fans and see a post reach less that 490 people is disheartening to say the least.

Page owners that experience the same type of results need to understand that it is nothing personal. It’s just business. Ad Age reports:

Facebook is being more blunt about the fact that marketers are going to have to pay for reach.

Read the entire article Facebook Sends a Message to Page Owners… It’s All About Money on DC Clothesline.