Escape Photography Comfort Zones

Posted: September 06, 2016

3D white people. Digital camera DSLROver time, photographers normally stop "practicing" and taking images of absolutely everything, and develop a niche where they're comfortable. However, even though you excel at one style of photography don't let your work become mundane. Escape from your comfort zone and grow as a photographer.

Anne McKinnell, writer for Digital Photography School, shares how to get out of your comfort zone in photography.

Get Outside Your Photography Comfort Zone to Learn and Grow as a Photographer

As photographers, we usually start out photographing everything and anything. All subjects are game as we explore our new found passion. When we grow and get more serious about our craft, we often try to find our unique place in the industry. Our niche, our comfort zone, where we can specialize and make a name for ourselves. This is a good thing! A photographer that has a unique niche is more memorable than a photographer that covers every subject. It’s better to be the dog portrait guy, or the black and white waterfall girl, than to be forgettable. But just because you’ve specialized in a particular area of photography doesn’t mean you can’t continue to explore your craft. There is much to be learned from photographing other things, and applying any lessons learned to your niche. In fact, there is much you can learn from photographing things that you specifically don’t like to shoot. Get out of your photography comfort zone So I challenge you to come up with a short list of things you don’t like to photograph, and then give them a try. Remember, you don’t have to be good at it. Read the entire article Get Outside Your Photography Comfort Zone to Learn and Grow as a Photographer on Digital Photography School.