Entry-Level vs High-End Photography Gear Comparison

Posted: February 27, 2018
Darlene Hildebrandt, writer for Digital Photography School, shares a photography equipment guide for entry level vs. high end gear.

Photography Equipment Comparisons – Entry-Level Versus High-End Gear Does it Matter?

Photographers tend to get obsessed with having the latest, greatest toys. But does it matter which camera or bits of equipment you use? If so, how much? Or is it more about how you use it, and the skills you possess? Let’s take a look at three video comparisons of some of the top level photography equipment available and some entry-level options. Rich photographer – poor photographer I like the play on words here, hinting at the concept of the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” series of books by Robert Kiyosaki. In the video, the guys over at f-stoppers do a portrait shoot with two different sets of lighting equipment. One which costs nearly $10,000, and the “poor man’s” version which will run you about $425. Read the entire article Photography Equipment Comparisons – Entry-Level Versus High-End Gear Does it Matter? on Digital Photography School.