Employee Retention and "People-Related Stewardship"

Posted: January 10, 2023
Hybrid office hours and shifting workplace norms require a deliberate leadership strategy to retain employees. A work culture focused on active engagement fosters retention of the valuable employees essential to any workplace operation. Mark Athitakis explores this leadership style below.

Why Staff-Culture Leadership Means More Now

Salaries are important, they note; they establish a baseline for people feeling like they have value in an organization. But compensation, in itself, doesn’t generate engagement. That comes from a sense of motivation that makes you want to stick around and do your job well. A focus (or lack of it) on well-being, communication, confidence in leadership, and other cultural factors are all, they wrote, “directly correlated … to productivity, profitability, employee turnover, workplace accidents, absenteeism, product quality, and more.” Read "Why Staff-Culture Leadership Means More Now" on Associations Now.