Kav Dadfar, writer for Digital Photography School, shares elements that make a great photo.
The 5 Elements That Can Help You Make a Great Photos
Often a great photo relies on a combination of factors coming together to produce the final result. On a few rare occasions, all of these elements present themselves in perfect harmony by chance. However, the majority of the time as a photographer, you have to research, plan, and put a lot of effort into capturing a photograph that has these elements in it.
#1 – The Subject
Arguably the most important element of the photo is the subject itself (i.e. what you are photographing). A great photo can sometimes work if it isn’t technically perfect, but rarely works if the subject isn’t interesting enough to capture the viewer’s attention. You need to train yourself to be able to see those unique opportunities where a subject can offer the basis of a great photo, and then be willing to do whatever it takes to make it the best it can be (within the law). It takes practice, but in time you will begin to immediately see opportunities everywhere.
#2 – The Composition
A great subject only works as a great photo, if it is composed in order to make the most of what you are seeing.
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The 5 Elements That Can Help You Make Great Photos on
Digital Photography School.