Eight Things to do With a Brand New PC

Posted: December 27, 2016
[caption id="attachment_12947" align="alignright" width="285"]windows 10 laptop pc Image from pcworld.com[/caption] Getting a new PC is a great thing, especially if it means an upgrade from an older one. However, there is work that needs to be done on it as soon as possible. These are the eight critical things everyone who gets a brand new PC should do. Brad Chacos, writer for PC World, shares what to do when you get a brand new PC.

8 critical things to do immediately with a new PC

Quick, while it's still pure and unsullied! Set up antivirus, clear out bloatware, and perform other tasks to keep your PC humming well into the future. So you’ve got a new PC. Awesome! That humble metal box is the key to a wide world of potential. It can help you with everything from juggling your finances to keeping in touch with Grandma to blowing off some steam on, uh, Steam. But a new PC isn’t like a new car; you can’t just turn a key and put the pedal to the metal. Okay, maybe you can—but you shouldn’t. Performing just a few simple activities when you first fire it up can help it be safer, faster, and better poised for the future. Here’s how to set up a new PC the right way, step by step. Hurry up and wait with Windows Update The first step is by far the most tedious. You shouldn’t muck around on the web unless your copy of Windows is fully patched and up to date, period. Read the entire article 8 Critical Things to do Immediatly With a New PC on PC World.