Easy Fixes for Common Laptop Problems

Posted: September 26, 2017
Brian Nadel and Jon L. Jacobi, writers for PC World, share easy fixes for common laptop problems.

Easy fixes for six common laptop problems

We live and work in a cold, cruel world where our laptops can take a lot of abuse. Regardless of how gentle we try to be, our notebooks will probably be dropped, spilled upon or worse—sooner, if not later. But if you think that all notebook damage can be repaired only by the manufacturer or a computer shop, think again. Many problems can be inexpensively and easily fixed with common tools, spare parts, and a little effort. Some repairs are no harder than high school art projects. That said, there are modern laptops that are very difficult to open and repair. If you can't see any screws, you're in for a tough time. Using a couple of old, beat-up mainstream notebooks, we’ll show you how to fix everything from a broken case and frayed charger cord to a bad fan and scratched screen. Each restoration project has time and cost estimates, as well as what materials you’ll need to do the trick. Just follow the basic directions we’ve outlined for each repair. Fair warning: Your system might be a little different, require special parts, or need a slightly different approach. YouTube is your friend. Read the entire article Easy Fixes for six Common Laptop Problems on PC World. Save Save