15 Secrets of Boosting Social Media Engagement: Visuals, Memes and More
You’ve set up your social media pages, added fun cover and profile photos and received several new likes; that’s excellent! However, are you getting little engagement on your sites, or at least a significant amount below that of your competitors, who have incredible engagement on their social media accounts? What’s going on? Why isn’t anyone participating with you on social media? Here are 15 remarkable secrets that can help you boost your social media engagement through some very simple methods.
1. Uploading Pictures Is Vital. Believe it or not, pictures are the lifeblood of social media. For a time, people enjoyed reading status updates and such, but now with things such as Instagram, more and more people want to see a picture post or two throughout their day. One guess as to why this is the case is simply that people no longer have time to read through the hundreds to thousands of status updates on their newsfeeds. However, if they see a photo, they will look, like, and share pretty quickly. Just how important is a picture post?
Read the entire article 15 Secrets of Boosting Social Media Engagement: Visuals, Memes and More on Social Media Today.