Draw Readers in and Boost Blog Traffic

Posted: December 16, 2014
Keeping reader's attention is tough, period. Writing content that reaches out and grabs them, while giving the information they need, is key to getting and keeping traffic. Use these hacks to create better content that hooks readers. Hassan, a freelance writer and blogger, and guest poster for Daily Blog Tips shares six easy tricks to help improve your writing.

6 Easy Writing Hacks to Seduce Readers and Boost Traffic

Let’s face it. Creating killer content is hard. Very hard. Dig facts out of your brain. Find unique ways to present information. Create posts every week. Despite punishing your brain to give birth to valuable content, crickets are still chirping in your comments section, traffic is stagnant and your social media feeds are dry. The problem isn’t your content, but the way it is written. When it comes to your writing… people aren’t reading for fun, they aren’t reading to kill time, and they aren’t reading because they care about you. They’re reading your content in search of a solution to a burning problem. Think of your content as a dose of medicine, and your writing as a spoon to deliver medicine to the reader to fix his problem. Your reader wants the solution as effortlessly as possible. He doesn’t want to sludge through your writing, force his brain to find the solution, pick it up and put it in his mouth. This means if your content isn’t written in a way that smoothly seduces your reader into wanting to read on… All the countless hours you’ve spent burning the midnight oil to produce killer content will go to waste because no one will stay to read it. So here are 6 easy writing hacks that’ll get you cranking out content that hooks in readers like a freshly landed rainbow trout and keeps them glued to your writing, consequently boosting engagement and rocketing traffic. 1. Cut out Bloaters and Fancy Babble Which of these paragraphs is easier to read? “Want to improve your copywriting skills? No problem. I can help. You’ll be a razor sharp wordsmith able to cut through any reader’s resistance while they absorb every single word you write.” Compare it to this. “Are you searching to dramatically improve your copywriting skills? I’ll assist you in your search to increase your copywriting chops. You’ll possess a very unique skill set which will probably allow you to overcome almost any objections from your readers, and keep them fanatical about your product.” Choice is obvious right? The first paragraph knocks the second one out the park. But why? The second message is obese with filler words and uselessly fancy vocabulary that bloats the message and its delivery. Read the entire article 6 Easy Writing Hacks to Seduce Readers and Boost Traffic, at Daily Blog Tips.