Don't Let Self-Sabotage Get in the Way of Your Future

Posted: September 02, 2013

[caption id="attachment_11546" align="alignright" width="335"]© freshidea - Fotolia.com[/caption]Erase the thought that sheer talent gets you where you want to go. That’s a fairy tale. Develop a realistic plan for your future, and make sure you have a Plan B.

[caption id="attachment_11546" align="alignright" width="335"]© freshidea - Fotolia.com[/caption]Erase the thought that sheer talent gets you where you want to go. That’s a fairy tale. Develop a realistic plan for your future, and make sure you have a Plan B.

Early Jackson, writer for Dumb Little Man, gives advice on putting an end to self-sabotage.

Put An End To Self-Sabotage and Don’t Undermine Your Vision

We’ve all done it.

We have been right on the verge of something great, about to cross the threshold of a brand new opportunity or embarking on a promising relationship and BOOM! We blow it.

Some call this personal phenomenon the act of self-sabotage; others simply chalk it up to approach avoidance. But however you label it, it is costing us more and more of our vision.

I am a firm believer that it takes a vision for the future in order to get there. In fact, if you lack vision, chances are you won’t get much further than where you are now.

Read the full article Put An End To Self-Sabotage and Don’t Undermine Your Vision on DumbLittleMan.