Different Social Media Influencers Can Affect Results

Posted: December 06, 2016
[caption id="attachment_12925" align="alignright" width="300"]How Different Social Media Influencers Equal Different Influence Results | Social Media Today Image from socialmediatoday.com[/caption] When it comes to social media marketing, one thing that brands can benefit from is influencer marketing. However, this type of marketing may be more complicated than it seems with the various types of influencers and content they produce. Different social media influencers will bring a brand different influence results - learn which may work best to achieve your goals. Dhariana Lozano, writer for Social Media Today, shares how different influencers bring different results.

How Different Social Media Influencers Equal Different Influence Results

Influencer marketing is a little more complicated than it seems. As if it isn’t hard enough to find influencers that fit your brand and target audience, another element to consider is the type of influence you’re looking for. In the same way that different forms of advertising, or messaging can drive specific actions, influencers and the content they produce will result in various types of engagement and activity. So just like you’d choose influencers based on your overall campaign goals, the content they produce for the campaign should be based on the type of buzz you are looking to build for your brand. In this post I’ll review 4 different influencer types and what kind of results you can expect from their posts. 1. Influence for Brand Awareness You choose these influencers because they have large followings, a new target audience for your brand, or create beautiful content. This influencer may not always post about your industry, but again this person is chosen purely to get new eyes on your brand. Read the entire article How Different Social Media Influencers Equal Different Influence Results on Social Media Today.