Creating Blog Posts that Rank Well
Posted: January 09, 2018
When blogging, the main goal is usually to get people to notice and read blog posts. Most people assume that you just publish your post, and that's all there is to it. However, there are some key factors that can determine how well a blog post will rank, and that determines how many people may see it. A few tweaks can help you write posts that rank well with SEO and increase the chances of being seen.
Mark Zeni, writer for Daily Blog Tips, shares how to write a blog post that will rank well.
Everyone wants their blog posts to be seen. That’s only normal. But only a few understand what makes the difference between a blog post that ranks well and one that doesn’t. You don’t necessarily have to be an
SEO expert to write blog posts that rank consistently. Here are a few tips on how to write blog post that rank well.
Use Long Tail Keywords
If you do have some experience with SEO, you may be already familiar with long term keywords. In short, long tail keywords are variations of core keywords but with extra words attached to them. Using long tail keywords has many benefits. First, they usually have much less competition than shorter, more obvious keywords. Second, they have a tendency to rank very well because of their highly targeted nature.
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Daily Blog Tips.