Creating a Remote Work Schedule that Works

Posted: April 21, 2020
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="465"] Image: HubSpot[/caption] Both new and experienced remote workers may be struggling right now to stay on a work schedule. Even if you've worked remotely before, maybe other family members are also now home - disrupting that normally tight schedule that you used to run on. When you do hit your stride, you may lose all track of time and work longer than you intended to. Or, if you're new to the work-from-home game, you may feel like you have to work longer hours to keep your competitive edge. Sometimes you may need to work later than normal, but making it a habit isn't a good idea. It can be bad for your mental health and negatively impact your happiness. With all the scheduling tools available to us today, coming up with a plan for your workweek is easier than you might think, and you'll likely be much more productive while sticking to it. Pamela Bump, a staff writer at HubSpot, shares tips to create a remote work schedule that helps you work well.

How to Create a Remote Work Schedule that Works for You

Whether you're a new or experienced remote employee, you've probably realized how hard it can be to stay on a proper schedule. In the morning, you might wake up drowsy with no commute or morning team chats to put you in the work mindset. Then, when you finally feel like you're on a roll and about to get everything on your to-do list done, you might look out the window, realize how dark it is, and discover that you've worked straight through dinner. At HubSpot, where we have a fleet of over 300 full-time remote employees, we hear about the above scenario a lot. And, we've also seen that remote workers across companies share the same struggles. Although the schedule mishap I noted above is fairly common, you definitely don't want it to become a regular part of your lifestyle. While working late at night occasionally can help you get ahead in your career, doing so regularly can harm your mental health, happiness at work, and your work-life balance. Read the entire article, How to Create a Remote Work Schedule that Works for You, on HubSpot.