Create Powerful Passwords

Posted: August 21, 2018
Kayla Matthews, writer for Dumb Little Man, shares tips for creating a powerful password.

6 Foolproof Tips for Creating Powerful Passwords

Whether you’re accessing an online banking portal or checking your email, you can’t get too far without entering passwords. Unfortunately, hackers can also get as far as a legitimate user if they know the password or can figure it out. Understanding the best way to create passwords will help you avoid the disasters that stem from compromised accounts. Here are six tips to get you started.
Create Nonsense Words
People often use variations of their favorite bands, beloved sports teams, names of their pets, cities, and other words that could be relatively easy to guess. It’s better to create words that aren’t in the dictionary or part of any pop culture. Hackers can orchestrate brute force attacks that involve trying random password possibilities at a rapid pace until they stumble upon the one that works. Read the entire article 6 Foolproof Tips for Creating Powerful Passwords on Dumb Little Man.