Create Newsletters That Intrigue Readers

Posted: April 28, 2015
read-email-newslettersThe amount of email that lands in our inboxes can be overwhelming. When sending out newsletters, it's important to have content that stands out from all the others. By following these simple tips, you can easily create newsletters that people will want to read. Ginny Soskey, writer for Hubspot, shares how to create newsletters people wil read.

How to Create an Email Newsletter People Actually Read

For most marketers, this will sound familiar. You’re sitting around a conference room, trying to figure out how to best engage your leads and customers, sell more products, or just “stay top-of-mind” for your target audience, and someone decides there’s a solution that can solve all of those problems at once: an email newsletter! Suddenly you're "volunteered" to do it. And you've got make sure that open and clickthrough rates don’t dip. Oh, and the first one needs to go out tomorrow. That sound good? I’ve been in that situation before, and I was terrified. Even though e-newsletters are one of the most common types of emails to send, they are actually some of the hardest to do right. It’s hard because it includes a mix of different types of content about different parts of your business, including event reminders, surveys, educational information about your product, service, or industry, and promotions. Read the entire article How to Create an Email Newsletter People Actually Read on Hubspot.