Create Blog Posts with Lasting Value

Posted: October 07, 2014
80716193Creating a blog post is relatively simple and almost anyone can do it. However creating a blog post that can have content value that lasts, may be a little more difficult. Start creating blog posts with long lasting value, that will have people coming back for more. Chelsea DeRose, writer for Hubspot, shares how to create great blog posts with value that lasts.

4 Tips to Create a Blog Post With Lasting Value

At our office, we spend a decent amount of time reviewing our efforts to examine what works and what isn’t seeing the success we’d hoped for. Last week, we looked into one client’s recent website leads and discovered something exciting. Content we had written more than 10 months ago was still ranking in the top 5 search results for certain targeted long-tailed keywords. This particular blog post earned our client a highly qualified lead who reached out to request a price quote. All of this excitement had us wondering, what is the lifespan of any one particular blog post? This particular blog post has the potential to generate website traffic and leads for years to come. All of your blog posts will continue to provide relevant and helpful information to internet searchers. Want your blog to continue to be effective well into the future? Here are our most important recommendations to make your blog posts relevant and position your company as a knowledgeable industry leader well into the future. Read the entire article 4 Tips to Create a Blog Post With Lasting Value on Hubspot.