Create Better Images Without Needing More Gear

Posted: July 22, 2014

[caption id="attachment_11954" align="alignright"]The key ingredient in any image is lightImage from: digital-photography-school.com[/caption]Photography equipment is not cheap. It's a common misconception that the most high tech gear is required to create fascinating pictures. Creating beautiful photos is much more simple than one may think.

[caption id="attachment_11954" align="alignright"]The key ingredient in any image is lightImage from: digital-photography-school.com[/caption]Photography equipment is not cheap. It's a common misconception that the most high tech gear is required to create fascinating pictures. Creating beautiful photos is much more simple than one may think.

Barry J. Brady, writer for Digital Photography School, shares how to create fantastic photos without spending money on expensive equipment.

5 Ways to Create Better Images Without Buying More Gear

You are a photographer. You love getting out there and doing your best to create great images. Photographers also love something else. Camera equipment. Sometimes you may find that you spend more time searching for a new lens, filter or accessory than actually photographing with it. When you meet other photographers you will hear them talking about the latest piece of equipment that has just launched.

Why is this? Why are some photographers obsessed with equipment. My personal opinion is that we fall into the marketing trap. Sometimes we really do think that a new lens, or new camera body, will improve our images simply because it is a better piece of equipment.

Read the entire article 5 Ways to Create Better Images Without Buying More Gear on Digital Photography School.