Coworking Space Cures Work-from-Home Isolation

Posted: April 05, 2016
Working from home Working from home can be a great opportunity, but it can also have its downfalls. Productivity in some people can actually suffer when in an isolated environment. Coworking space can be an option if you're someone who needs an office environment - even some of the time. Matt Thomas, writer for The Write Life, shares the pros and cons of working from home.

Is it Time to Quit Working From Home? One Writer’s Adventures in Coworking

Last summer, I started a new job that had me working from home 100 percent of the time. While I’d had some remote-work flexibility in the past, this was the first time I’d be doing it every day. I wouldn’t even have an office to go to if I wanted to, as our entire team here at Edgar is scattered across the continent. When I tell people about my job, the usual response is some mix of envy and disbelief. If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say, “Oh, I could get so much done if I just worked from home!” I would have a whole sack of nickels. But they’re not wrong. I definitely have a better work-life balance working from home than I did when I went into an office all the time. But it doesn’t happen automatically. And a big part of my productivity comes from getting out of the house when I can. Read the entire article Is it Time to Quit Working From Home? One Writer’s Adventures in Coworking on The Write Life.