Is it Time to Quit Working From Home? One Writer’s Adventures in Coworking
Last summer, I started a new job that had me working from home 100 percent of the time. While I’d had some remote-work flexibility in the past, this was the first time I’d be doing it every day. I wouldn’t even have an office to go to if I wanted to, as our entire team here at Edgar is scattered across the continent.When I tell people about my job, the usual response is some mix of envy and disbelief. If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say, “Oh, I could get so much done if I just worked from home!” I would have a whole sack of nickels.But they’re not wrong. I definitely have a better work-life balance working from home than I did when I went into an office all the time. But it doesn’t happen automatically.And a big part of my productivity comes from getting out of the house when I can.Read the entire article Is it Time to Quit Working From Home? One Writer’s Adventures in Coworking on The Write Life.