Content Creation Tips from Guy Kawasaki

Posted: April 04, 2011

This blog post is based off of David Garland's interview with Guy Kawasaki on his HubSpot sponsored web series "The Rise to the Top." Guy Kawasaki describes himself as a VC, writer, speaker, entrepreneur, and most importantly a recreational hockey player. His 10th and most recent book, Enchantment, made the New York Times best seller list. 

This blog post is based off of David Garland's interview with Guy Kawasaki on his HubSpot sponsored web series "The Rise to the Top." Visit Hubspot to see the full video.

Guy Kawasaki describes himself as a VC, writer, speaker, entrepreneur, and most importantly a recreational hockey player. His 10th and most recent book, Enchantment, made the New York Times best seller list.

Not only does Guy create an immense amount of content himself, but he also founded a content aggregation site called Alltop. Alltop aggregates thousands of news feeds from around the internet and allows users to filter news by subject, location, or just personal interest. With content creation become easier and easier and the amount of content growing exponentially, smaller businesses might start feeling like they're fighting an impossible fight.


Why Guy and I Are Long Content

As we've seen with the recent pushback from the New York Time's decision to put a paywall in front of their content, people are less willing to pay for content. Information is fast, free, and people have higher expectations for quality.

It's unlikely that you are going to make a killing on advertising and sponsorships. Guy uses the analogy of being a hockey goalie expert. If you started a blog with interviews of some of the best hockey goalies of all time, maybe 1,000 people would pay to subscribe to your content, but you're not going to get rich off of it. You also probably don't have a niche as specific as the previous example.

If the content you can provide is more generalized then you need to distinguish yourself by the quality and ease with which people can find what they are looking for. This makes optimizing your content to get found in search engines is even more important. Understand what your potential customers are searching for and make it easier for the search engines to interpret your content's relevance. Not every blog article or video you make is going to attract lots of inbound links, but you need to make sure the ones that do are optimized to get found.


Biz Tip Source: Hubspot