Clean Your Cameras Sensor in Three Steps

Posted: May 23, 2017

3D white people. Digital camera DSLRIt happens to almost everyone at some point. That annoying moment when you go to take a picture and see dust and dirt on the sensor. The odds of a dirty sensor increase for outdoor photographers who often change lenses in the field. Even if you don't notice it, it may be there waiting to cause problems in the future. Taking a few easy steps to clean your sensor will make sure specks and spots don't come as a surprise.

Alex Morrison, writer for Digital Photography School, shares how to clean your camera sensor.

How to Clean Your Camera Sensor in 3 Easy Steps

There is really nothing more frustrating for photographers than a camera sensor that is full of dust and specks. Dust on the sensor happens, it’s just a fact of digital photographic life. If you’re an outdoor photographer with a zoom lens, or one who changes lenses in the field, dust and particles will find a way onto your sensor on an almost regular basis. But even studio photographers experience the distress of a dirty sensor. A few weeks ago I was on a mountain photo tour, and was constantly changing lenses in the windy and dusty alpine weather. This is a photo taken to show you my sensor dust. All those black specks are fragments of airborne stuff that either gets sucked into your sensor when you use a zoom lens, or when you change your lens outdoors. The image above is the result. Read the entire article How to Clean Your Camera Sensor in 3 Easy Steps on Digital Photography School. Save