Clean Up a Cluttered Desktop

Posted: December 13, 2016
[caption id="attachment_12936" align="alignright" width="300"]windows10desktop Image from pcworld.com[/caption] Computer desktops can be as organized, or cluttered, as the computer user. For some people, the desktop is an easy and convenient place to store files they use often. Cluttered desktops can actually hinder productivity. For a cleaner and more organized desktop, try these tips. Ian Paul, writer for PC World, shares how to deal with a cluttered desktop.

Three tips for dealing with an unruly desktop

We’ve talked before about how to keep the desktop clean. But for desktop addicts it’s not so simple, is it? The desktop is a convenient place to quickly store files that you download or want to have readily available. At least at first. Over time, the files build up and before you know it the desktop is a mess again, the exact opposite of efficient. Here are three tools for dealing with the chaos. Hide the icons This is equivalent to the age-old strategy of cleaning up a messy room by stuffing everything into the closet. The mess is no longer all over the bed and floor, but it’s still there, hiding. Go to the desktop and right-click on an empty space. Now select View > Show desktop icons. You’ll notice that menu option has a check mark next to it, and selecting the option removes it. Now everything on your desktop will disappear including the Recycle Bin, but it’s not gone—just hiding. The minute you re-check that option all your icons will return. Read the entire article Three Tips for Dealing With an Unruly Desktop on PC World.