Business Expenses Freelancers Need to Remember

Posted: June 04, 2019
[caption id="attachment_13479" align="alignright" width="486"] Image: Daily Blog Tips[/caption] Bloggers and freelancers need to treat their business just like large companies do. Making sure that you're keeping track of all expenses that can impact your business is vital to get a clear picture of where you stand financially. Because you're a one-person show, it can be hard to figure out what you should be spending money on and what you shouldn't. Knowing your real bottom line by making sure you're including all expenses, even those sometimes overlooked, can help with those decisions. Mark Zeni, contributor to Daily Blog Tips, shares five expenses bloggers and freelancers need to remember to track.

5 Business Expenses Bloggers and Freelancers Should Not Forget

As much as we like to think business is all about serving others and doing what we love, money plays a large role in our success. As a blogger or freelancer, you’re a business owner. You need to treat your blog or freelancing services as their very own business, even if you’re only a one-man or one-woman show. One of the biggest struggles bloggers and freelancers have when it comes to money is expenses. Do you know what counts as business expenses? What should you prioritize and what can you do without? It’s a tricky landscape to figure out on your own, especially if you don’t have any existing business experience. Here are 5 business expenses bloggers and freelancers should not forget. 1. Cash Expenses It’s easy to keep track of your financial expenses when they’re going through your credit or debit card. All business owners, including bloggers and freelancers, should have their own business credit card. This makes it simple to know exactly when you’re spending money on your business. However, those cash expenses easily get lost in the fray. If you’re making payments in cash, you need a way to keep track of this money leaving your business. Whether you’re just using an old-fashioned spreadsheet or an advanced money management system, you can’t forget about your cash expenses. Read the entire article, 5 Business Expenses Bloggers and Freelancers Should Not Forget, on Daily Blog Tips.