Block Out Digital Distractions

Posted: July 12, 2016
[caption id="attachment_12764" align="alignright" width="300"]woman at computer with phone Image from pcworld.com[/caption] With all the distractions out there, especially digital devices, productivity can take a real hit. Attention stealers can be anything from social media to cute pet videos, but all have the same outcome - distracting you from doing what needs to be done. Learn how these four tools can help users avoid the usual distractions, and get more accomplished. Michael Ansaldo, writer for PC World, shares how to block out digital distractions.

4 essential tools for blocking digital distractions

Mindfulness is the “it” prescription, proven to reduce stress, power performance, and help you live a happier life. But staying focused on the present moment is a tall order when you have all kinds of digital distractions vying for your attention. If your productivity screeches to a halt every time you see something shiny, try a few tools below. They’ll help you tune out the distractions and get more done. Cold Turkey Within your browser lurks a world of temptations: social media, celebrity gossip, funny pet videos, and more. Make no mistake, their siren song will lure you in when you’re most vulnerable. No matter how strong your willpower, it’s a good idea to have reinforcements in place. Just enter the most seductive websites into Cold Turkey and the free app will bar access for whatever time period you specify. Read the entire article 4 Essential Tools for Blocking Digital Distractions on PC World.