You need a polished professional bio to make the right impression. A few key mistakes can turn your bio from polished to tarnished. Learn the 9 most common mistakes that are made when writing a professional bio, and how to avoid them.
You need a polished professional bio to make the right impression. A few key mistakes can turn your bio from polished to tarnished. Learn the 9 most common mistakes that are made when writing a professional bio, and how to avoid them.
[caption id="attachment_10120" align="alignright" width="281"]© peterjunaidy -[/caption]A professional bio is a bit like an auto club card, you may not need it very often, but when you do, you’ll be really glad you have one. All professionals and business leaders, from athletes to CFOs to pediatricians to DJs, should have at their disposal a few well-written paragraphs recounting their career accomplishments. A brief bio is indispensable for use in social media profiles, company Web sites, press releases, event programs, brochures, book jackets and more.
So as a PR and marketing copywriter, I’m continually amazed at how many people, even A-list actors and C-level executives, don’t have up-to-date, cleanly written bios at their fingertips. And when I ask clients for their bios, to include them in press or marketing materials, they often respond with such a combination of guilt and dread you’d think I’d asked them to tell me their 401k account balance.
In reality, writing a good professional bio is nothing to be afraid of—as long as you avoid a few common pitfalls.
Read the remaining 9 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Professional Bio.