Benefits of Creating a Mobile App for Your Business

Posted: June 10, 2013
[caption id="attachment_11376" align="alignright" width="387"]© aey - Fotolia.com[/caption]Mobile apps are, well, a necessity to any modern business. Smartphone and tablet sales continue to boom and more folks use their mobile products for everything from grocery shopping to trip planning, and gear purchases.  If you question the benefits of creating an app for your business, read this article from BareBonesNetworking.com.
[caption id="attachment_11376" align="alignright" width="387"]© aey - Fotolia.com[/caption]Mobile apps are, well, a necessity to any modern business. Smartphone and tablet sales continue to boom and more folks use their mobile products for everything from grocery shopping to trip planning, and gear purchases.  If you question the benefits of creating an app for your business, read this article from BareBonesNetworking.com.

Small business owners have a variety of choices aside from doing nothing when they want to expand their company to start using mobile commerce solutions. They can either create a mobile application or a mobile website to draw in more customers to their business. Mobile devices make browsing the internet easy for users, and customers can access your business website from their mobile device even if your website is not mobile-friendly. One way you can draw in customers while making a profit is to create your own business mobile app instead of creating a mobile website.

What is the Difference Between a Mobile Website and App?

The difference between a mobile website and app is that the app needs people to install and download it to their mobile devices. Mobile websites are sites that are created specifically for mobile devices without users installing or downloading. A mobile app is a software application that is developed by software developers, and it is designed to work on a specific mobile device. To use the mobile app, it needs to be downloaded and installed on the mobile device.

Read entire article Benefits of Creating a Mobile App for Your Business on Barebones Networking