Bad Habits That Can Affect Work

Posted: March 31, 2014

When work seems unbearable, take a step back to determine if something else might be to blame. It may turn out that it's not the job that's terrible, but bad habits that affect your mood at work. Learn what can be done to reverse bad habits that could be making things worse than they really are.

When work seems unbearable, take a step back to determine if something else might be to blame. It may turn out that it's not the job that's terrible, but bad habits that affect your mood at work. Learn what can be done to reverse bad habits that could be making things worse than they really are.

Steve Roy, owner of EndingTheGrind.com, shares what you can do to change your outlook on work.

6 Bad Habits That Make Work Unbearable

Let’s face it, having to be somewhere for 8+ hours each day, even if you like it, isn’t ideal. I’m willing to bet that the vast majority of us would prefer to be doing something other than our jobs if we felt we had the choice.

It’s a statistical fact that more than 70% of people are unhappy with their current jobs. This is a frightening realization and is due in large part to the habits we develop at work.

As Napoleon Hill once said, “Thoughts are things. We become what we think about all day long.” When we think negatively, we start to believe it.

Read the entire article 6 Bad Habits That Make Work Unbearable on Dumb Little Man.