Backcountry Sleep

Posted: March 14, 2024
Ryan Lampers' Backcountry Hunt Gear List — Page 2 | GOHUNT Now here's a biz tip that gets slept on: sleep! Yes, I am here to repeat what all of your parents told you as children. Getting enough sleep is absolutely paramount to having successful, productive days. This seems like a "no duh" statement, but in today's hustle culture, the vital aspect of rest often gets left behind. As a college student, this one can be difficult. As a backcountry hunter, this one can be nearly impossible. Never have I needed good sleep more and yet failed to find it than on backcountry hunts. Ryan Lampers is one of the toughest backcountry hunters on the planet, co-owner of StHealthy Hunter brand, and a writer for GoHunt. In the article below, he shares some tips on how to achieve deep sleep in the backcountry.  If you are sleep deprived like me, some of these tips may just translate into your daily life and help you catch a few more precious z's.

Unlock the secrets of quality sleep in the backcountry: 5 essential tips

Sleep deprivation in the mountains can significantly impact your ability to stay sharp and focused, here's how to avoid that.

In my many years of hunting and spending countless nights in some of the most rugged terrain imaginable, it's become clear that the consequences of sleep deprivation in the mountains can significantly impact your ability to stay sharp and focused. While a brief weekend outing might tolerate a night or two of poor sleep, the stakes escalate drastically during extended hunts, potentially leading to an unfortunate outcome — a big ol’ bowl of tag soup.

For the full article, click HERE.