Backcountry Fitness

Posted: January 09, 2024
Hard Yards Performance Gyms are bound to be filled to the brim in the coming weeks. Scores of hopeful, resolved individuals will flock to them for the first few weeks of the year, determined to stick to their New Year's Resolutions. And I hope you are among them! But... motivations tend to die out quickly.  And besides, a conventional gym is hardly a worthy place to prepare for the serious backcountry hunts I trust you have planned for the fall! Dr. Matt Ward, a kinesiologist and frequent writer at The Western Hunter knows exactly how to prepare for the impossible- the backcountry hunt.

Hard Yards Performance

When it comes to preparing for a backcountry hunt, there are two camps of people; one camp throws a pack on a month before and gets just enough fitness in to finish the hunt. In the other camp is the type of person who sets their year up to train for a two-week period in August in which no mountain will be too steep and no range will be far away to achieve their lifelong goal of killing a stone sheep.
You can read Matt's full article for The Western Hunter at this "LINK"