Avoid Office Burnout

Posted: December 19, 2023
Cubicle Apocalypse Approaches | Happy Worker Toys & Collectibles Christmas is right around the corner, and as such, productivity is at its yearly low.  Luckily for us, this magical time between the second week of December and the new year is universally accepted as an appropriate time to eat way too much food, work far too little, and spend too much money. If you disagree with this statement, congratulations, you possess more mental fortitude than I. For the rest of us, this time will sadly end when the new year comes upon us. So, when we are thrust back into "normal life" in 2024, it would be helpful to go back with some tips to avoid work burnout. That's what I hope to provide today. The following article on Fortune.com details 7 ways to avoid burnout when the imminent holiday hangover comes to a screeching halt in January.

7 ways to feel better at work and avoid burnout

Now that the holidays are over and reality is setting back in, you may be rethinking your relationship with work. Whether you love or loathe your current gig, it always helps to fine tune how you approach work to avoid burnout.

  For the full article, visit this "LINK"