Avoid Making Common Newbie Photography MistakeS
Posted: January 20, 2016
Not everyone who picks up a camera will have the natural talent to take incredible photos. Beginners often make "mistakes" due to lack of experience and knowledge. Photo enthusiasts just starting out (and maybe even a few seasoned photographers) will benefit from these 12 helpful tips.
Leanne Cole, writer for Digital Photography School, shares what common newbie photographer mistakes to avoid.
12 Common Newbie Photography Mistakes to Avoid
None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. While some photographers might be naturally gifted, and just do amazing work from the moment a camera is put into their hands, that is not the case for most of us. Chances are, if you are new to photography, you are going to muck things up. You shouldn’t feel bad however, as you can be sure that many newbies have done exactly the same things. Here are a number of very common mistakes that new photographers make. Learn to avoid them, and you will improve your images.
1 – Centering everything in your images
When most of us look back at our early images, we usually see the horizon line placed very much in the middle of the image (see photo above). This is one of the most common mistakes new photographers make when they start.
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12 Common Newbie Photography Mistakes to Avoid on
Digital Photography School.