Avoid Becoming a Photography Perfectionist

Posted: October 17, 2017
James Maher, writer for Digital Photography School, shares what to do when you become too much of a perfectionist.

Are You Too Much of a Perfectionist With Your Photography?

Are you one of those people who winces every time you take a photograph that’s slightly skewed, with a foot cut off, overblown highlights, or too much grain? Well let me tell you something, sometimes the problem might not be with the photograph – it may be you. Are you a perfectionist? Is it affecting how you view your photography? In this article let’s take a look at this concept and see how it applies to you and your work. How much does it matter? Needless to say, there are many situations where a skewed horizon, a cutoff limb, or a white sky will ruin the photograph. But there are just as many situations where it won’t matter at all, yet many people will think it does, and they will trash their perfectly good photographs because of this. It’s hard not to over-think your photographs, especially if you are a bit of a perfectionist or like as much order as possible to things. And even if you’re not, you probably have moments where you over-think the details in your images. We all research cameras that have the sharpest lenses and most megapixels for a reason, don’t we? Read the entire article Are You Too Much of a Perfectionist With Your Photography? on Digital Photography School. Save