Attract Quality Readership with Offsite Content

Posted: January 14, 2017
[caption id="attachment_12970" align="alignright" width="377"]Do-People-Still-Read-compressor.jpg Image from blog.hbuspot.com[/caption] The future of content seems to be in constant state of flux. Shorter attention spans and less people actually reading means that content marketers need to, again, rethink their strategy. Off-site content is a new trend that helps drive readers to your site. Learn exactly how off-site content can be effective, especially at attracting quality readership. Amanda Zantal-Wiener, writer for Hubspot, shares how offsite content attracts readers.

Do People Still Read? How Offsite Content Attracts Quality Readership

Here at HubSpot, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future of content. We ask questions like, “Which will come out on top -- augmented reality or virtual reality?” and "Will AI take over our blog?" And, in a stroke of paranoia brought on by the 1960 film The Time Machine, I often ask myself, “Will people still read?” Classic science fiction movies aside, there's data to suggest that our willingness to read might be on the decline. Between our rapidly-dwindling attention spans -- thanks in no small part to smartphone use -- to the 59% of people who share articles online without even reading them, there's no denying that marketers should be thinking strategically about how to recapture their audience's interest with more engaging written content. That’s where off-site content enters the picture. But why? And how does it work with your current online presence? We’ve broken down how it can get people to actually read your words, and make them count. Read the entire article Do People Still Read? How Offsite Content Attracts Quality Readership on Hubspot.