Ask These Questions When Taking a Photo

Posted: February 10, 2015
[caption id="attachment_12203" align="alignright" width="300"]questions to ask Image from digital-photography-school.com[/caption] Most people don't put much thought into taking a picture. However, a professional photographer usually shouldn't just point and shoot when working. Photographers should pause and ask themselves these ten important questions before they take a photo. Darren Rowse, writer for Digital Photography School, shares what questions a photographer should ask when taking a photo.

10 Questions to Ask When Taking a Photo

What goes through your mind in the moments as you raise your digital camera up to take a shot and before you press the shutter? If you’re like many digital photographers you’re not thinking about too much – you just want to capture the moment and then move on. However getting in the habit of asking some simple questions can help take your images to the next level. Here’s 10 questions to get in the habit of asking while framing your shots. I’ve included links in each one to further reading on the topics. I hope you find them helpful: 1. What story am I telling? This is an important question and one that should help you to make any number of decisions in terms of composition, framing, exposure etc. In essence what you’re asking is ‘why am I taking this shot? Read the entire article 10 Questions to Ask When Taking a Photo on Digital Photography School.