[caption id="attachment_1477" align="alignright"]© Elena Stukalova - Fotolia[/caption]In the fast-paced world of online communications, forgetting about legal ramifications as blogs are posted, opinions are shared and product reviews are written, is easy. Fighting a lawsuit is costly. Consider these five common online mistakes, which can result in legal problems.
[caption id="attachment_1477" align="alignright"]© Elena Stukalova - Fotolia[/caption]In the fast-paced world of online communications, forgetting about legal ramifications as blogs are posted, opinions are shared and product reviews are written, is easy. Fighting a lawsuit is costly. Consider these five common online mistakes, which can result in legal problems.
Bill Baker, a partner in the communications practice at the Wiley Rein law firm in Washington, advises on domestic and international privacy, security, marketing communications, e-commerce and postal law.
In a recent article for Computerworld, Baker explains how the following actions can result in legal hassles.
Read the complete article "Avoid These 5 Common Website Mistakes"