[caption id="attachment_9048" align="alignright" width="552"]© meschike - Fotolia.com[/caption]POMA members, almost every one, says that No. 1 value of POMA is the network. Having access to a great network doesn't mean garnering great benefit from it.
[caption id="attachment_9048" align="alignright" width="552"]© meschike - Fotolia.com[/caption]POMA members, almost every one, says that No. 1 value of POMA is the network. Having access to a great network doesn't mean garnering great benefit from it. Face to face networking is critical to growing a business. Are you a pro? The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, FINS section ran a great article by Kelly Eggers, "The Top Eight Rules of Networking". Here they are:
Read the full text of the article, "The Top Eight Rules of Networking," by Kelly Eggers