An IG Influencer's Top Ten Client Boosters

Posted: February 28, 2023
Chris Do (@thechrisdo) is a marketing sensation on Instagram (896K followers) and a savvy content creator and entrepreneur.  His article below details ways to get more clients on a very basic, elemental level. "No easy answers, no quick fixes, but the bare minimum of what you need to do before looking for more help."

How to Get More Clients

I get tired of fielding questions around how to get more clients, so I’ve decided to write an article on things you need to do right now before going online and asking, “Help. How do I get more clients?” Before you go hire a business coach or sales person, enroll in an online course, follow a get rich quick scheme, do this first. Warning, this is a long list of things to do. Read the entire blog post, "How to Get More Clients."