Staying current on your PR reading? It may be hard to tell, because for a lot of people (including, even, practitioners) PR is likely an arcane field, and PR books aren't conversation starters. But there are a lot of good ones available. Amazon proves that with its list of "best sellers in public relations."
Staying current on your PR reading? It may be hard to tell, because for a lot of people (including, even, practitioners) PR is likely an arcane field, and PR books aren't conversation starters. But there are a lot of good ones available. Amazon proves that with its list of "best sellers in public relations."
Staying current on your PR reading? It may be hard to tell, because for a lot of people (including, even, practitioners) PR is likely an arcane field, and PR books aren't conversation starters. But there are a lot of good ones available. Amazon proves that with its list of "Best Sellers in Public Relations" — 100 of the best-selling PR books (although a couple appear to be listed twice). The list is currently headed by Shama Hyder Kabani's The Zen of Social Media Marketing and David Meerman Scott's The New Rules of Marketing and PR.
Looks like PR books comprise an active business zone for Amazon, even if we don't talk all that much about them among ourselves.
Biz Tip Source: Talentzoo
Author: Doug Bedell