Add Multimedia to PR Content

Posted: April 05, 2016

Hands Holding Multimedia Word ConceptAdding multimedia to PR content can pay off in a big way. Done right, it can give you a competitive edge over those who aren't including it. Add multimedia and up your PR content game.

Mark Zeni, writer for Daily Blog Tips, shares answers to the six common questions about multimedia in content.

Multimedia Added to Your PR Content

Engaging content is more essential than ever in today’s busy media landscape, and one smart way to heighten the engagement factor of yours is with multimedia. Adding multimedia is both an art and a science. If done right, it can help your content gain a competitive edge. If your photos are boring, your videos aren’t helpful, and your infographics aren’t outstanding, you’ll miss out on valuable traffic that can lead to sales. The good news is, there are some standards and best practices you can rely on to make sure your multimedia content checks out. Here are the answers to 6 questions you might have about adding multimedia to PR content – from blog posts to press releases. What is multimedia? Multimedia refers to the electronically delivered combination of media – or methods of communication, including text, graphics, video, animation, and sound that can be accessed in an interactive way. Much of the content online today falls within this scope. Read the entire article Adding Multimedia Added to Your PR Content on Daily Blog Tips.